Action Carrying Capacity Environment Global Climate Change Population

Stop Wildfires

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Stop Wildfires

© Richard Grossman MD, 2008


Only you can prevent forest fires

Smokey Bear


            Prevention and control of wildfires are big concerns as the summer progresses. For years we had thought that their increased size and numbers were caused by management practices over the past century. Strong evidence supports another theory.

            Our Forest Service tried to maximize the productivity of National Forests by suppressing fire. Their theory, starting a century ago, was that saving forests from fire would make them more fruitful—more board feet of lumber could be harvested. Biologists now recognize that fire is actually beneficial to the ecology of forests. For instance, a fire in a southwestern ponderosa pine forest is usually down low and burns the undergrowth while sparing the trees themselves. Small plants that would sap the water and minerals in the soil are reduced so that he trees can grow better. Furthermore, fire creates an ideal seedbed for ponderosa seedlings by consuming dead organic matter on the soil surface.

            Moreover, suppression of fire can cause problems. The underbrush and dead wood build up. When lightening does strike, there is so much fuel waiting to blaze that an inferno can result.

            An article published in Science magazine reported a detailed study of wildfires in the western United States over the past 35 years. The authors compared this database with information about forestry practices and climate/precipitation. They found that large wildfire activity increased markedly starting in the 1980’s. They also found that the increase in fires correlated best with increased spring and summer temperatures and with earlier spring snowmelt.

            Even if snow pack at the end of the winter were adequate, it would melt off earlier than in the past. This lack of moisture, combined with higher temperatures during spring and summer, make for a long, dry fire season.

            It seems that we are seeing an effect of global climate change close to home.

            Gardeners may have already noted a change. Most seed packages have information about where it is appropriate to grow the plants. For instance, La Plata County is in plant Hardiness Zone 5 or 6, determined by the lowest winter temperatures. The National Arbor Day Foundation has revised its zone map to reflect a warming of the climate from 1990 and 2006. Find more information about this, including a map showing where the zones have changed, in Wikipedia.

            Another example of an effect of climate change is found in the Bay of Bengal, at the delta of the sacred Ganges River. Warming has caused a significant rise in the sea level, submerging islands there. The island of Lohachara was the first to be abandoned, leaving 10,000 landless refugees. Unfortunately, there are many more islands to follow. Two locals, Nick Manning and Tyler Quintano, documented this tragedy in their movie “Between the Tides.”

The whole country of Kiribati is threatened by flooding. Citizens of this collection of 33 low coral atolls peppered in the South Pacific are preparing abandon their homeland as it is gradually being inundated. They may be followed shortly by residents of other Pacific nations, including Tuvalu and Vanuatu. So far, no other country is willing to house these environmental refugees, who may number more than 300,000 people.

Yes, Southwest Colorado had a colder-than-usual winter last year with great snowpack.  No, global climate change does not mean that all parts of the planet are getting warmer, or that there isn’t variation from year to year.

Climate change models predict an increase in average temperature and

greater variation in temperature than we are accustomed to. Models also predict more extreme weather events, such as severe hurricanes. The weight of the evidence is that our climate is changing for the worse—and we are the cause. What can we do about it?

Dr. Chris Rapley, head of the Science Museum in London, has come up with the cheapest and most obvious answer to slow global climate change. We need to improve access to contraception by education and healthcare. “I am not advocating genocide” said Rapley. He does advocate reducing the birthrate—fewer people on the planet will mean less carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere. “To achieve this goal you would only have to spend a fraction of the money that would be needed to bring about technological fixes…. However, everyone has decided, quietly, to ignore the issue.”

            Everyone, that is, other than readers of the Durango Herald. Many of us have recognized that human population growth is the basis of countless problems that we face today.

Action Durango Herald Environment Global Climate Change

Get the Best Mileage

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Get the Best Mileage


© Richard Grossman MD, 2008


            The cost of gasoline is over four bucks a gallon and diesel is getting close to five—what a horror! So what did I do? I went out and bought a macho four wheel drive turbo diesel truck!

            Can you imagine all the grief that I got from friends about increasing my carbon footprint? Well, most of the time this truck (which already has almost a quarter million miles on its odometer) will stay parked while I drive my Prius. The truck’s former owner told me that it gets 19 miles to the gallon, but I know that a gallon will take the hybrid 52 miles.

            I think that a hybrid is a nice gimmick, but it is not the solution to the petroleum crisis. It is too complicated. Furthermore, there is a lot of lithium in a hybrid’s battery, which is toxic to mine and process.

            The future holds small, efficient vehicles. Europeans have already recognized this. You’ll find Smart cars and similar vehicles everywhere in Europe. The price of gas there is much higher there—over seven dollars a gallon in many countries.

            We have been slow to change our driving habits in the USA. Domestic car manufactures are finally catching on that fuel efficiency is vital, although they have fought this for years. Fortunately, many imported vehicles are quite efficient. My current favorite (not a carefully researched opinion) is the Honda Fit. Two friends have bought these cars and rave about their flexibility and performance. Although it is predicted to get 34 miles to the gallon on the highway, one friend gets over 40!

            There are ways to optimalize your car’s efficiency. You probably know that it is important to check tire pressure every month, but let that gauge rest for several months at a time. Try increasing the pressure two pounds above the recommended level when you finally do check the tires—but not above the maximum pressure on the tires’ sidewall. Buying gas in the morning when it is colder and more dense will get you a few more drops per fill up, but the savings sure won’t make a significant difference.

            Leave jack rabbit starts for the really rich; they significantly reduce mileage. You know to use your air conditioner when necessary rather than leaving the windows open—especially when going fast. The cruise control is also a big saver of gas since it is smoother than most people’s accelerator foot. A gas engine doesn’t need to be warmed up more than a few seconds; any longer is just a waste of fuel.

            My big trick for increasing mileage is to drive so I don’t have to use the brakes—much. I learned this from my driving teacher when I was 16. Whenever you apply the brakes you turn energy into heat and it is wasted. Judicious driving can harvest more of your momentum.

To lay off the brakes safely I leave a little extra space behind the car ahead of mine. That space allows my car to slow down gradually if the one ahead stops, so my momentum is used effectively. I pay attention to the stop lights of vehicles ahead. If one flashes red, I immediately take my foot off the accelerator. Likewise with traffic lights; if I see amber, I start coasting.

Idling is a big fuel waster. One of the tricks my Prius uses to optimalize mileage is to turn off the engine when it is not being used. If you are going to be sitting for more than a minute or so, switch off the ignition.

All of these tricks help to save money. They are also important for the planet’s future. Although we concentrate on the cost of the fuel going into our vehicles, perhaps what comes out of them is even more important. Greenhouse gas emissions released by humans appear to be causing permanent changes to our climate. Storms, floods, forest fires and drought all seem to be worsened by climate change. These natural disasters already have had grave effects on people, but predictions are that the worst is yet to come. It helps that Americans are driving less since the cost of fuel has skyrocketed. Fewer people driving would also help.

What about that diesel-guzzling truck? We bought it to occasionally pull a horse trailer short distances and to share with our neighbors for agricultural work.

Our progeny will appreciate whatever we can do to slow global climate change, including driving less and more efficiently.