
Two articles on the way

I am very pleased that two articles will be published later this year. One will appear in Friends Journal, the preeminent Quaker magazine in this country. Its title is: “The Vital Need for Family Planning and Abortion Services.” I wrote it in part due to a thoughtful article that appeared earlier this year, “My Personal Journey on the Abortion Issue.”
The second article is actually an editorial that will appear in Conservation Biology. Its title is: “Birds and Bees for Biologists.” I start by pointing out what every thinking biologist already knows–that loss of biological diversity and the terrible acceleration of extinction of species is due to the effect of the growing human population. Then I suggest that biologists (and others concerned about loss of biological diversity) can help slow this growth by talking to people (especially students and other young people) about the benefits of small family size and a simpler lifestyle.

By Richard

I am a retired obstetrician-gynecologist who has been fortunate to live and work in the wonderful community of Durango, Colorado for 40 years.

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